Shetland Wool Week visitors!
As Shetland wool week continues to grow and having bookings for our accommodation for September for 2019! I thought I should try and think up something of interest for them in my art studio, and I though of a new idea – Buttons! I have been experimenting with resin and have a mould that makes buttons. So I have been experimenting with adding different things into the resin and found the perfect thing – Sea Urchin shell pieces. I made a few samples and put on facebook, not expecting to receive enquiries to order them from USA and a couple of shops! OMG I am going to be busy. If I have enough I will list them onto my website too!
I have continued to expand the button range and have now sold out of the baby mussel shells! and am having trouble finding more on the beaches. They are available to buy in A Yarn, Albert Street, Kirkwall, Orkney.
I have tried sand and flowers with mixed results, but love to experiment, any other ideas welcome.
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