Visit Sarah's Studio & Garden

Sarah Kay's Art Studio and Garden are open to visitors.

Located on the hill overlooking Scalloway, Shetland - Sarah's studio offers visitors the unique opportunity to discover Shetland themed resin artwork, jewellery and small gifts.

The hillside garden is also available to explore and has been rated a four star attraction by Visit Scotland.

To arrange a visit, please make an appointment using the form below.

Sarah Kay Arts, Visit Scotland Scalloway studio map Shetland

Opening Times:

Winter ( Mid October - 30th April) is by appointment only.

Summer (1st May - mid October) open Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10am - 3pm

Contact Details:

Scalloway, Shetland, ZE1 0UR Scotland UK

Tel: +44 (0) 7818 845385


Contact form

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